Premium Pain Relief for Boulder & Longmont & Surrounding Areas
Non-Invasive, Non-Surgical Neuropathy treatment
Electromagnetic Infrared Therapy
One of the treatment technologies we use to increase blood flow and repair the nerve is our new Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT). The light therapy signals Vasoendothelial Growth (VEGF), which signals the production of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the creation of the new blood vessels, which is needed to repair nerve damage. These blood vessels grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide them with the proper nutrients to heal and repair. This technology has 21 peer-reviewed studies with a 97% success rate with peripheral neuropathy. Electrostimulation We use state of the art digital electro therapeutic stimulation to assist in the growth of the nerves called Nerve Re-Education. This is used by the Cancer Centers of America in order to help those going through Chemotherapy rebuild the nerves. Nerve Re-Education can even be done at home, so therapy can be done daily! The results can be immediate in both pain relief and restoration of normal sensation. Advanced Nutrition Therapy Proper nutrition in support of our other VITAL COMPONENTS is vital for optimal tissue and nerve repair. Our Advanced Nutritional Therapies have been to designed to accelerate the healing process by affecting the complex processes of inflammation, blood flow, and bioavailable nitric oxide. In-Clinic Visits & Online Education In synergy with your home infrared electromagnetic & electrostimulation therapy you will visit the office 1x per week for our in-clinic protocol. Each vital component is equally important for patient results. Soft Tissue TherapiesSoft tissue therapies such as Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy are specialized forms of massage that target the soft tissues of the body - the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Myofascial Release therapy involves the application of gentle, sustained pressure on the myofascial connective tissue to eliminate pain and restore motion. Trigger Point Therapy, on the other hand, concentrates on discrete, hyperirritable spots in the skeletal muscle known as "trigger points," applying pressure to these points to alleviate pain.
These therapies are incredibly beneficial for relieving chronic, accumulated stress and tension in the body. Over time, chronic stress can cause the body's soft tissues to tighten and become rigid, leading to chronic pain. Soft tissue therapies like Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy can help counteract this, offering a natural, non-invasive solution to chronic pain. Through targeted pressure and massage techniques, these therapies can help release tension, improve mobility, and ultimately alleviate the pain associated with chronic stress. This makes them a valuable tool in pain management and overall wellness. Chiropractic AdjustmentsThe word 'chiropractic' comes from the Greek words "cheir" and "praxis", meaning "done by hand." Although I was initially skeptical of how chiropractic could help me, it has turned out to be one of the most powerful and helpful healing arts I've ever experienced. The safety, simplicity and speed with which it works continue to amaze me today, as I've personally treated hundreds of patients and helped them become pain free.
Before I discovered chiropractic, I suffered from daily headaches, upper back pain, and strange shooting pains from my groin through my torso and shoulder. I was eating ibuprofen like candy, and thought I was having internal organ disease. I went to the Mayo Clinic and several other hospitals for testing, but the best medical doctors in the world couldn't diagnose me or help me, so I begrudgingly went to a chiropractor as a last resort. That office visit changed my life. It was the first time a doctor had actually asked me about my lifestyle & how I used my body daily, used his hands to feel how my body was working (and not working) properly, and was legitimately interested in why I was having the symptoms I had. He explained how my muscles were imbalanced in places, and how my joints were restricted in other places, and helped me clearly see how the tension throughout my spine and body could be causing my headaches, back pain, and internal organ pain. He adjusted my spine in the areas that needed it. I immediately felt the life start to come back to me, as a flood of blood and oxygen flowed through my neck to my head. My headache immediately disappeared, my back pain disappeared, and he showed me some yoga stretches to keep my pelvic muscles flexible which alleviated the strange internal organ pain. ALL of my symptoms went away, naturally, for good through chiropractic. I couldn't believe how fast, cheap, and simple the process was, and I was upset that no other medical professional had recommended it to me as an option. It made such a dramatic, positive change in my life, I decided right then and there I wanted to share that gift with other people. I still get adjusted regularly, but it's more to stay in the best shape I can, rather than as a way to alleviate pain. Even though the profession of chiropractic is over 125 years old and is backed by countless scientific studies and personal experiences, I still find some people are skeptical. If that's you, this is your perfect opportunity to see what it can do for you. Yoga & Physical TherapyPhysical activity is perhaps the most-studied, most-documented intervention when it comes to chromic illness. Daily activity is the single most effective thing you can do to prevent the most common diseases people suffer from, including heart disease, cancer, mood & hormone issues, and more. The short answer is, find a way to move your body daily and do it. Every day. If you need help, I can show you some of my favorite yoga-based therapies and activities that will help you feel good immediately, while you get in better shape and prevent countless health problems!
Wisdom "When the body forces you to STOP, it's saying, hey buddy, you've gone too far." -Jaqueline Escolme "Self-care is giving the world the BEST of you, instead of what's left of you." -Katie Reed |
Tissue Regeneration Technology
Our futuristic TRT is a beacon of hope for those plagued by neuropathy or chronic pain. This incredible advancement increases blood supply, ensuring your cells get the much-needed oxygen and nutrients to thrive. It modulates inflammation and activates the powerhouses within—your stem cells. These little wonders are the architects of repair and regeneration in your tissue. And yes, they go to work on your damaged areas, reconstructing and rejuvenating tissue, even if it's been damaged for months, years, or decades.
This technology allows for true, deep cellular healing of tissue all over the human body. We as doctors have been blown away by the results for people with complex, chronic pain syndromes that have literally tried everything else on the market. We're invested in providing hope and healing to our community, and our advanced technology is providing fast, permanent relief for increasing numbers of patients just like you. Dry NeedlingDry needling is one of the fastest, safest therapies in the world when it comes to pain relief. Unlike acupuncture, which is a complex, five-thousand-year-old system of diagnosis and treatment, dry needling is a simple, straightforward way of using eastern tools with western anatomical knowledge. Dry needling and acupuncture both utilize the same tiny monofilament needles in their treatment application. (These are very different from the ones a nurse uses to draw your blood or give you an IV!)
The primary aim of dry needling is to soften and relax the tightest parts of your muscles. These "trigger points" are areas of a muscle that have become "stuck" in a tight, taught band, or contraction-like state. Unlike massage therapy or trigger point therapy, dry needling can penetrate deep into the muscle belly and relax even the most stubborn areas of muscle tension. We have had great success with headaches, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, migraines, elbow pain, shoulder pain, plantar fasciitis, calf pain, leg pain, and more. If it hurts, and there's a muscle involved, chances are dry needling can help! Herbal Medicine & Essential oilsHuman beings have used herbal remedies for thousands of years, and is perhaps the most ancient of all healing disciplines. Virtually every patent medicine or pharmaceutical drug is based on compounds originally found in plants and herbs. Herbal medicine has an exemplary safety record and their effectiveness is unmatched when used by a competent practitioner. Herbal medicine is what helped me with some of my most stubborn, challenging symptoms as an adult, and I am forever grateful these gifts from the earth.
Essential oils are another form of plant medicine. There are accounts over 3500 years old of Egyptians using the oils distilled from plants for healing. The Romans used essential oil therapy, as did many in the middle east, according to Biblical record. The fact is, plant medicine has been around almost as long as humans have been around. They are our friends, allies, and are often irreplaceable in the treatment of certain health conditions. Herbs work differently than pharmaceuticals in the body. Whole herbs work differently than standardized herbs in the human body. Having an expert match the perfect herbal formula to your body and health condition is an art in and of itself. Nutrition & NutraceuticalsYou are what you eat. Literally.
This cliché is actually 100% true. What we eat becomes the source of food for the cells that make up our body. The health of our cells determines the health of us as whole individuals. Every single thing you put in your mouth either drives your body towards healing, growth and repair, or it drives your body toward disease and an early death. I think most people understand that conceptually. Finding trustworthy, useful information regarding what to eat, however, is a more common problem in this day and age. Surfing the internet for the right diet, or how to eat to be healthy results in an onslaught of contradictory and conflicting information. Is a vegan diet healthy? Can the Keto diet help me lose weight? What's better, the Mediterranean Diet or the Paleo Diet? Truth be told, there is no perfect diet for all humans. And there may not be a perfect diet for one human all the time. That being said, finding the foods that are negatively affecting your body, along with the ones your body needs in order to get well is a critical step in the healing process. I've simplified the process of dialing in the perfect diet for you and your condition, so for most people it's simple, reasonable and doable. Functional Medicine
Functional medicine is a very individualized and personalized approach to healing with a focus on the root cause of illness, rather than on the suppression of symptoms. We know what a healthy, normally functioning body looks like, so with functional medicine, we are exploring how your body is malfunctioning and trying to resolve underlying imbalances and problems. An allopathic, or "western" medicine approach might ask something like, "How can I make you not feel your pain?" or "How can I force your thyroid hormone level back into a normal range?", and then would most likely prescribe a drug you may have to take every day, for the rest of your life, without actually curing the underlying problem. In contrast, a functional medicine approach might ask something like, "Why do you have pain in the first place? How can we prevent the pain from occurring permanently? Why is your thyroid hormone out of the normal range? How can we correct the underlying issue so your hormone levels balance themselves out naturally?" The goal is restoration of normal body function, rather on forcing your body to make chemical shifts through pharmaceuticals and drugs.
Functional medicine utilizes many different evidence-based and exploratory testing procedures including blood testing, saliva testing, hormone testing, stool testing for microbes, parasites, etc. |